1. Supporting Parishes
The app allows your parishioners to do a number of things. All of these are customizable, so you can include or exclude them depending on the needs of your parish. One central feature is providing the ability for your parishioners to view your weekly church bulletins online. Parishioners can send messages and prayer requests to appropriate members of the staff, as you designate. They can link out to your donation page, church calendar or website. They can get find mass times, get essential information about your parish, and, if you choose, view a directory of your parishioners.
2. Supporting Parish Administrators
The app supports parish administrators by allowing them to upload content and images, choose from an assortment of bulletin covers, maintain a directory of parishioners, and manage the features of the app that are seen by the parishioners.
For support with the mobile app, please contact us on our Mobile App Support Line at:
Phone: 1-888-225-8247
Email: info@deeprinting.com
Have a question? Contact us today!